Sunday, August 2, 2009

Current status?
single make me be superstar.. -ape ak ngarut niyh?? hahaa-

Are you happy with your current status?
bleyh larr.. kdg2.. ait.. mcm sme jep soklan dgn y bwh.. korunk niru soklan eyh??

Is there anything you would change about your status?
blom lagik.. tgk r esk lusa.. mne r taw jodoh jatuh dr ats langit cm kyle xy ke.. kahkahkah

What is your ideal mate?
laki ke gurl?
gurls.. my xclassmate : tna, my current dormmate : farah
boys.. ssh nk crik.. zaryl.. irfan!! hahah..

Whats the best thing about being in a relationship?
bler my 'dy' wt lwk buduh n tell me dat he miss me.. haha

Whats the worst thing about being in a relationship?
bler he said.. "nyesal i kte nk banjer u.. mkn byk lar dy" ahahha~~~

First crush?

First kiss?
my mom.. hahhaa~

First love?
amirul ikhmal.. :P

First heartbreak?
secreto de amor.. hahaha

Do you believe in love?
yes.. hey4x.. ak tak percaya... setia.. lalala

Have you ever thought love wasnt real?
err............ never kot..

Is it possible to love more than one person at a time?
NO!!! aner leyh.. cinta just only has one in each people..

If your mate cheats.Would you forgive?
my soulmate?? nope... never.. =.=

Once a cheater always a cheater?
yeah!! stuju2... bgoz u niyh... cm taw2 je i pk tuh..

Would you do anything for love?
sumtimes.... hahaha~

100 million dollers or the one you love?
100 million dollars.. hahaha~ leyh beli kete,... nissan latio 1.8 edaran tan chong motor u know..

Do you want to get married?
yes, dear.. do u?

What would be the perfect wedding and with who?
the most grand wedding n with 'him'..

What do you love most about the oppoisite sex?
tang dyorunk tgh tackle gurl..

What do you hate most?
ske ngutuk gurl.. grr..

Could you live a life without love?
arrgghh!! tidaaakk!!! tak leyh!!

are you afraid to be alone?
sumtimes.. hahaha~

If you can have anyone in the world who woudl it be?
akanishi jin.. haha.. or sumone y sme perangai nakal dy...

Is love a word peopel throw around to much?
aah larh.. org y tataw english pn taw love tuh ap bnder..

Have you ever thrown it around?
penah kot.. hahaha~