Friday, October 30, 2009

adoiii! final xam....

almk!! adoii... maty gwe.. listen here all people... next week my final xam will be held.. n im not study enough to face d xam larh.. aiyoo.... mcm ner niyh... y wat i risau gler thp gaban ini cz ka (k. awam) on d 1st day.. n i ta bwk blik bku k.a same as my bro's reference book.. ayookk!!

k.a n history mmg sub y i lmh... mau hafal.. mau bce... wif meleret2 prggan in d book.. ta leyh ke kerajaan wt isi2 pntg shj dlm text book.. kn sonang.. adoii.. da larh awam pnh fail... klu i fail diz final xam, i had to say bye bye! to SSA.. bkn klas elit pn taper larh.. aslkn msok SSA..

tp, kuatkn smgt, saadah.. u can do it.. kn ko ader bwk blik ketas2 pekse lps2 civil.. kn? kn? kn? u can do it.. mama kata, jgn lpe doa kat Allah, tawakal, selawat n bismillah.. b4 wt pekse... moge2, Allah will help me..

ala... how can Allah help me if i sntiasa ad dpn laptop not books... eyh, but, chmst i dh bce gler2... add math, tggl axis of symmetry n logarithms shj blum xpert.. fzk, just tggl archimedes laws... eyh.. lk!! engineering drawing... tak baca lgsung... aiyoo... mau lukis ape tyme pekse nnty.. ah, sng2 lukis je la gmbr doraemon nnty.. ahahha.. sudahlah!! sudahlah!!

dah lar tak dtg smggu...
asik kne mrh ngn ckgu...
bz wif kooperasi...
tak study...

g study skunk, saadah!! o u will be cry after u get d result... lwn natess kt u tuh.. huh!!
doakn diri ini brjaya 4 fnal xam nnty.. amiiin...