Friday, March 11, 2011

+ baur! :)

haha.. crik simbol tmbh kt keyboard pn ta jmpe..

ary nih, sejuukk..
uja lbt pg td.. den, ptg pn ujan cket2..
smpi ke senja..
pegi tusyen ujan2.. :)

den, td bru dpt news dat ak tade kluz
for 4 dys..
but, my drvg cluz starts dis monday..
yeah.. eee~
ta nyabor.. :P

den, smlm, my CANDACE (hamster betina) mati..
oh.. i.. m.. very sad..
*sob *sob
n, diz morning, my CICI ( ank kucing y da skit lme) mati..
oh.. i.. cant.. say.. anythg..

lpekan ksh cdeyh..
i wuz surfing n seeking in4mations bout ACTUARY SCIENCE..
d field dat i interested with..
ak crik2.. n crik..
byk in4mation y brgne..

u noe..
1st, i jmpe site y international nye..
n i got dat org y amek actuary sc nih num 1 kaya d lua ngara..
n i also got g defination of actuary..
actuary.. ta psty..
tp, dy cte psl math,.. len,.. urm.. math.. n math..
major math but, plg byk dyorunk blaja risk of money..
such as insurance..
y hrga premium utk mse dpn..
y ala2 pelaburan..

bidg dy luas..
ala2 je mcm accounting.. is truly informative..
thnks to d owner..
n soklan2 kt blog uh mmbwtkn ak ta prlu da brtye.. :PP

skunk nih ak kliru..
btol ke ak na amek actuary sc??
ak taw, intipati permbelajaran dy sronok..
smart n susah..
ak ske bnde ssh.. but, nmpk mcm ta byk BIDANG KERJA..
oke, dun compare to international..
we r not same..
still ak ta jelas..

tp, klu na ikotkn logik,
kompem2 BANK prlukan ACTUARY..
n big industries also need them..
tp, ak was2 laa...
tkot ta crh mse dpn....

but, ak terjumpa CIRI2 org y ptot srvive dlm bidg nih..
mmg ssuai da ngn ak..
accept stu tuh..
y num 5 uh..
politik? sejrh?? oh, mntk maaf!

ak keliru...
mmg ak smua ad ciri2 uh..
tp, ACTUARY sc nih terbaek ke??
banking ley mntk keje kt BANK NEGARA..
itu y ak impikn slama nih...

tape la..
survey lg nex tyme..
tggu result kua dlu laa..
hurm... btui jgk.. :)